Remarkable Success in Diabetic Ulcer Treatment Using Stem Cell Therapy

We are Thailand’s only stem cell bank that received first place in the Outstanding Innovation Award competition, using our own stem cells to treat diabetic wounds, out of the top 10 from the National Innovation Agency in 2006.

Supported by the National Innovation Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology, Thai StemLife continues its ongoing research in the highly successful study “Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Diabetic Ulcer Patients.” Recent data shows a remarkable 77% complete healing rate of diabetic ulcers and a 91% success rate in avoiding limb amputation due to diabetic ulcers, using stem cell transplantation technology. We have found that the success rate of diabetic ulcer treatment with this technology significantly surpasses traditional methods. The success of healing diabetic ulcers using autologous stem cells further demonstrates the quality in every step—from collection, isolation, cryopreservation, to thawing of stem cells—at Thai StemLife’s laboratory, which is ISO 15189:2012 certified.