Peripheral Blood Stem Cells (PBSC)

Stem Cell

PBSCs are hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that are circulating in the blood. HSCs circulate at low levels in the blood all the time but can increase in number dramatically when a person is treated with certain cytokines (substances that stimulate the bone marrow) such as G-CSF (a natural factor also produced by your body) or when hematopoietic (bone marrow) recovery occurs following chemotherapy. PBSC transplants tend to engraft faster than bone marrow transplants presumably because they have greater a proportion of mature progenitors. When patients hear and talk about “stem cell transplants” they are typically referring to peripheral blood stem cell transplants. Stem Cells are normally found in the bone marrow, but it is possible to move them out of the marrow into the bloodstream so that they can be collected easily.

Adult Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection (PBSC) Service Apart from Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Service THAI StemLife offers an adult service as well, that is Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection. Why? A biological insurance for us that are born without having had the opportunity to keep cord blood for the future! PBSC can be used to treat heart diseases, diabetic ulcers, autoimmune diseases and in the future maybe even stroke, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. Keeping your PBSC at a young age ensures that their efficiency and availability is at its best when needed at an older and/or diseased age.

How do you move stem cells from bone marrow to peripheral bloodstream?

This process is known as ‘mobilization’ of stem cells. Stem cells are mobilized with a once daily injection of G-CSF for 4-5 days before the stem cells are collected.

How are the stem cells collected? THAI StemLife uses the latest model of an apheresis machine that is also used in the routine collection of peripheral blood stem cells when a donation is necessary, found in all modern University Hospitals that are able to perform bone marrow transplants. A blood collection needle is placed in an arm vein, blood travels to the machine and the stem cells are separated from it. The stem cells are collected in a collection bag while the rest of the blood returns through a second needle to the opposite arm. The entire procedure requires approximately 2-4 hours, the length of a good movie.

Adult Stem Cell Collection from Peripheral Blood:

Most of us have missed the opportunity to collect cord blood and tissues at birth! But do not despair, even for us there is still hope to collect our own stem cells for future treatments before a disease strikes.

THAI StemLife is the leader in Thailand (1) in peripheral blood stem cell collection using a THAI and US FDA approved protocol and machine called Leukapheresis. This process is the usual process performed all over the world when people need to donate stem cells to their own siblings and relatives or other tissue compatible recipients in need of a bone marrow transplantation.

In our process you simply donate your own cells in advance to your future self! After stimulating your bone marrow for 5 days with a medication called G-CSF, that is the same substance your body produces and uses to stimulate production of stem cells, you will be painlessly connected to the leukapheresis machine for 4 hours and billions of your own stem cells will be collected. It is only a small fraction of what your bone marrow contains, so do not worry, your body has amazing reserves.

Those stem cells will be cryogenically stored in bags and vials for future needs. There will be enough for a lifesaving bone marrow transplant should the need arise for treatments of blood or solid cancers, lymphomas, immune system disorders and multiple myeloma (2). Newer indications also include autoimmune diseases like MS, SLE, RA and many more. Encouraging results from recent studies support the use in traumatic brain injuries both in children and adults but the window of treatment is short and thus storage is imperative.

Adult Stem Cell Collection from Peripheral Blood:

Most of us have missed the opportunity to collect cord blood and tissues at birth! But do not despair, even for us there is still hope to collect our own stem cells for future treatments before a disease strikes.

THAI StemLife is the leader in Thailand (1) in peripheral blood stem cell collection using a THAI and US FDA approved protocol and machine called Leukapheresis. This process is the usual process performed all over the world when people need to donate stem cells to their own siblings and relatives or other tissue compatible recipients in need of a bone marrow transplantation.

In our process you simply donate your own cells in advance to your future self! After stimulating your bone marrow for 5 days with a medication called G-CSF, that is the same substance your body produces and uses to stimulate production of stem cells, you will be painlessly connected to the leukapheresis machine for 4 hours and billions of your own stem cells will be collected. It is only a small fraction of what your bone marrow contains, so do not worry, your body has amazing reserves. Those stem cells will be cryogenically stored in bags and vials for future needs. There will be enough for a lifesaving bone marrow transplant should the need arise for treatments of blood or solid cancers, lymphomas, immune system disorders and multiple myeloma (2). Newer indications also include autoimmune diseases like MS, SLE, RA and many more. Encouraging results from recent studies support the use in traumatic brain injuries both in children and adults but the window of treatment is short and thus storage is imperative.

THAI StemLife

Address: 566/3 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39 (Thepleela 1), Prachaouthit Rd., Wangthonglang, Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310.

Our Services
  • Cord Blood
  • Cord Tissue
  • Placenta
  • Amnion

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